Gabriele Swift Photography



Gabriele Swift Photography; Confidence


Isn't that something we all try to achieve.

And yes there are days were we certainly don't.


So what does being confident really mean:

Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities, of course not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way.

Confidence isn't about feeling superior to others, it is more the knowledge that you're capable.

Confident people feel secure rather than insecure.

Accepting our flaws,because perfectionism is hard to love. While not being perfect makes us more lovable and reachable.

Trust that you know what works best for you and stop comparing,

just like Linda Thompson said 'Our uniqueness, our individuality and our life experience moulds us into fascinating beings'

... and there is no difference when an image is taken.

You need to show your real self, the person you are.

Being in business and being your own boss, should be seen in your visual marketing.

Show it and just be you.




Gabriele Swift Photography; Brand Images


Let's go back for a moment and remember that even though we don't want to admit it we need to face it: nowadays appearance is everything.

I said it before and here it is, humans are visual creatures and images transcend language and words.

First impressions are formed within seconds and since most of the information we consume and interpret is visual, quality design can make you and your brand stick in the mind of others as professional and credible.

Why Professional images then - simple: the more professional and compelling the photography is, the more business you’ll get over time. I am not just talking about pretty pictures, but visual ways to tell your story, your brand and all about you in a simple way that makes sense to your potential client. Using good photography of your products and services will help you market to a much larger audience.

Five Examples of using professional photography:

(1) Business Article or Blog

(2) Keeping in touch with Customers

(3) Facebook and or Instagram Post

(4) Websites

(5) Marketing Material in general

Want to know more - why not sign up for one of my Workshops




Gabriele Swift Photography; Just be you


my slogan and something I do believe we should be aiming for as business owners

But why do I mention it ......most of us are afraid of selling our thing ?

Don't be , your ideal client loves you, they want to hear from you and they want to buy from you

Don't be afraid of showing up, and telling people about your amazing you, your product and service.

This is the time to be more visible then ever. Your people want to hear from you. Let's get out there and shout about it.

Marketing has always been powerful , let's make sure your people hear and see you.

Digital professional storytelling that's my thing